Argonne National Laboratory

Devices & Diagnostics

I-Q Corridor is the stuff of dreamers. Oh, but what a dream!

Ever heard of the I-Q Corridor? Unless you’re an economic development geek, probably not. The concept, first penned in a little-noticed Wisconsin Technology Council white paper, envisions an economic superhighway of sorts connecting the Twin Cities, Madison, Wis. and Chicago along interstates 90 and 94. The “I” stands for ideas, innovation, investment, intellectual property while […]


BioBusiness Alliance hopes to shine a “light” on Minnesota’s life sciences industry

Let there be light! Or more specifically: Let there be synchrotron light! The BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota’s recent cooperation agreement with Canadian Light Source (CLS) could provide local researchers and medical device and pharmaceutical firms access to next-generation imaging technology. Under the deal, Minnesota companies and institutions can use Canada’s national synchrotron research facility at […]